Install OKD/OCP on OCI using an agnostic method
This document is under development on
Install OCP/OKD Cluster on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using agnostic installation/UPI.
- Prerequisites
- Installing OCP
- Install the Clientes
- Option 1 - Install quickly
- Option 2 - Install step-by-stack
- Create the Install config
- Create the manifests
- Setup IAM Stack
- Setup Network Stack
- Setup DNS Stack
- Setup Load Balancer Stack
- Patch the manifests
- Create the ignitions
- Setup Compute Stack
- Setup Bootstrap
- Setup Control Plane nodes
- Setup Compute nodes
- Check/Approve the certificates
- Review the Installation
- Destroy the Cluster
- okd-installer Collection with OCI dependencies installed:
- Compartments used to launch the cluster created and exported to variable
- DNS Zone place the DNS zone and exported to variable
- Compartment used to store the RHCOS image exported to variable
cat <<EOF > ~/.oci/env
# Compartment that the cluster will be installed
# Compartment that the DNS Zone is created (based domain)
# Compartment that the OS Image will be created
source ~/.oci/env
- If you are using python virtual env, like me ;D, set the interpreter path:
Installing OpenShift/OKD
Create the vars file
cat <<EOF > ${VARS_FILE}
provider: oci
cluster_name: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
config_cluster_region: us-ashburn-1
oci_compartment_id: ${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID}
oci_compartment_id_dns: ${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID_DNS}
oci_compartment_id_image: ${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID_IMAGE}
cluster_profile: ha
destroy_bootstrap: no
config_ssh_key: "$(cat ~/.ssh/"
config_pull_secret_file: "${HOME}/.openshift/pull-secret-latest.json"
config_cluster_version: 4.14.0-rc.6
version: 4.14.0-rc.6
os_mirror: yes
os_mirror_from: stream_artifacts
architecture: x86_64
artifact: openstack
format: qcow2.gz
os_mirror_to_provider: oci
compartment_id: ${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID_IMAGE}
bucket: rhcos-images
image_type: QCOW2
- rm-capi-machines
Install the clients
Installing option 1: quickly install
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.create_all \
-e certs_max_retries=20 \
-e cert_wait_interval_sec=60 \
Installing option 2: step-by-step
Create the Installer Configuration
Create the installation configuration:
The rendered install-config.yaml will be available on the following path:
If you want to skip this part, place your own install-config.yaml on the same path and go to the next step.
Create the Installer manifests
Create the installation configuration:
The manifests will be rendered and saved on the install directory:
If you want to skip that part, with your manifests, you must be able to run
the openshift-install create manifests
under the install directory, and the file
is created correctly.
The infrastructure manifest also must exist on the path: manifests/cluster-infrastructure-02-config.yml
After this stage, the file $install_dir/cluster_state.json
will be created and populated with the stack results.
IAM Stack
TODO: create Compartment validations
Create the Network Stack
DNS Stack
Load Balancer Stack
Config Commit
This stage allows the user to modify the cluster configurations (manifests), then generate the ignition files used to create the cluster.
Manifest patches (pre-ign)
In this step, the playbooks will apply any patches to the manifests,
according to the vars file config_patches
The config_patches
are predefined tasks that will run to reach specific goals.
If you wouldn't like to apply patches, leave the empty value config_patches: []
If you would like to apply patches manually, you can do it by changing the manifests
on the install dir. Default install dir path: ~/.ansible/okd-installer/clusters/${cluster_name}/*
Config generation (ignitions)
These steps should be the last before the configuration be 'committed':
create ignitions
when usingopenshift-install
as the config provider
Mirror OS boot image
- Download the image from the URL provided by openshift-install coreos-stream
$ jq -r '.architectures["x86_64"].artifacts.openstack.formats["qcow2.gz"].disk.location' ~/.ansible/okd-installer/clusters/ocp-oci/coreos-stream.json
Compute Stack
Bootstrap node
- Upload the bootstrap ignition to blob and Create the Bootstrap Instance
Control Plane nodes
- Create the Control Plane nodes
Compute/worker nodes
- Create the Compute nodes
- Approve worker nodes' certificates signing requests (CSR)
oc adm certificate approve $(oc get csr -o json |jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.certificate == null)')
# OR
oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
Review the installation
export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.ansible/okd-installer/clusters/${cluster_name}/auth/kubeconfig
oc get nodes
oc get co